What telegram
What telegram

In addition to being multi-device, Telegram is also multi-account: you can manage multiple accounts simultaneously through the app, so that an administrator has unlimited freedom to move between one group and another, each dedicated to a different objective. By associating the account with a user name, Telegram lets you connect from different devices, keeping the message history intact and updated on each device. There’s also another fundamental difference between Telegram and Whatsapp: the Telegram account is not tied to a SIM card, making it possible to use the app without a smartphone. Unlike WhatsApp Business, for example, Telegram is cloud-based: that means you can enter and view chats from different devices simultaneously thanks to instant synchronization. Let’s gointo more detail, and take a look at the most valuable functional resourcesthat Telegram offers companies. External communication, to reach customers and potential customers in a conversational marketing perspective.Internal communication, to update all employees.Precisely this openness allows companies to mold it to different marketing goals and objectives: Telegram is a versatile and open source application, therefore it is customizable thanks to the API. Telegram for Companies: Seven Usage Scenarios Telegram’s features for companies

what telegram

In this post we want to explain all those features that make Telegram a complete marketing channel for companies. Its developers consider it halfway between the messaging app and the email channel. Telegram is a messaging app similar to WhatsApp, but with many more features.

what telegram

With mega-groups, channels, and chatbots, here’s a list of the functions Telegram offers companies and the necessary steps to start communicating with clients and potential customers.

  • What you need to bring your company to Telegram.

  • What telegram